Trump's alternate reality will (hopefully) be his undoing.
It might take a while for Trump supporters to catch on, but with reality knocking at their door constantly, they might (hopefully) give in to it sooner or later.
Because in his alternate reality, he will:
- Claim to be the Great Negotiator while the unionized workers at his Las Vegas hotels and golf courses are calling for a boycott because he refuses to negotiate a contract and address serious complaints as proscribed by law. The "NO Negotiator" would be closer to the truth.

Content Trump employees
- Keep telling people that he doesn't have any relationship with foreign countries that don't honor America. He will never connect with "losers". His personal approach to foreign policy, however, makes one wonder if the only "winners" he has dealt with are Russia and Cuba.
- Continue to berate former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado. The adulterer and thrice married septuagenarian will continue to act as the moral arbiter of the country. He will berate, in fact, anyone the Christian Right hopes he will: from Machado to the Clintons. He has to, of course, be beholden to God.

- Keep saying that he will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it In doing so, He'll show the country that he doesn't know how our constitutional democracy works: With a project of that size, the President cannot snap his fingers or scream at tCongress what to do. Nor does he have the required respect from Congress to pass any bill. It would become the Congress of NO with anything he proposes, not just a "spite wall".

Certainly a statement: a "wall" around Trump's
star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
- Throw tantrum after tantrum, his surrogates "spinning" out of control, trying to keep up. The latest "He's a Genius!", with Christie and Guiliani whirling like dervishes is providing entertainment so hysterical that even his supporters might be laughing.

"An absolute ah... what's the word? Oh yeah, GENIUS!"
- Throw tantrum after tantrum, his surrogates "spinning" out of control, trying to keep up. The latest "He's a Genius!", with Christie and Guiliani whirling like dervishes is providing entertainment so hysterical that even his supporters might be laughing.

"An absolute ah... what's the word? Oh yeah, GENIUS!"
"The reality is that we are in day six of the meltdown," Clinton supporter Neera Tanden said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "He had a terrible debate performance. Everybody sees that. He sees the state polls moving towards Hillary. Eleven state polls were out this week. She's beating him in every single one. He can't take that. And so this is the latest meltdown."
- Keep withholding his tax returns. He doesn't seem to realize the consequences if he actually becomes President: if Congress decides that any one of his schemes (like Trump University) is worthy of investigation, it could SUBPOENA his tax returns and everything would come out anyway. Delusions such as Trump's never count on consequences.
- Provide more medical "documents" from a crackpot "physician" who stated that Trump could be "the most physically fit President" simply because he "liked that phrase."

Dr. Bornstein on vacation -
the very picture of health!
- Continue to eschew any advice from anyone because, of course, he doesn't need any. He doesn't take notes either, because, of course, he has the greatest memory!
- Keep staffing his campaign with people who look as if they just came out if a Klan meeting while trying to ensure African Americans they have "nothing to lose" by voting for him. With unwarranted "surrogates", ah, supporters like former Grand Wizards, Trump's bizarre attempts at courting African American votes may have been a bit futile.

Is that an American flag
- Gild everything: his apartment, his wife, his life, his name. Everything must be painted gold. Including all of his tweets. After all, his supporters, all of them designers with taste, expect him to be shrouded in gold because he is so obscenely successful.

Stand in it long enough ....
And finally:
Donald Trump will still contradict himself continuously, saying he "never said that" when googling his phrases shows he did. This last may be the absolute, the last straw against proof of sanity: obvious and immediate concrete evidence does not phase the truly delusional. This is also the reason some people look upon Trump's support as kind of cult.
Poor Donald
To take advantage of someone who has basically lost their mind (even his children are concerned) seems cruel...
- Continue to eschew any advice from anyone because, of course, he doesn't need any. He doesn't take notes either, because, of course, he has the greatest memory!
- Keep staffing his campaign with people who look as if they just came out if a Klan meeting while trying to ensure African Americans they have "nothing to lose" by voting for him. With unwarranted "surrogates", ah, supporters like former Grand Wizards, Trump's bizarre attempts at courting African American votes may have been a bit futile.

Is that an American flag
- Gild everything: his apartment, his wife, his life, his name. Everything must be painted gold. Including all of his tweets. After all, his supporters, all of them designers with taste, expect him to be shrouded in gold because he is so obscenely successful.

Stand in it long enough ....
And finally:
Donald Trump will still contradict himself continuously, saying he "never said that" when googling his phrases shows he did. This last may be the absolute, the last straw against proof of sanity: obvious and immediate concrete evidence does not phase the truly delusional. This is also the reason some people look upon Trump's support as kind of cult.
Poor Donald
To take advantage of someone who has basically lost their mind (even his children are concerned) seems cruel...
... but what's a beleaguered country - one which has gotten tired of the circus of delusions - to do?
If we continue to let The Donald be delusional, we'll all wind up much happier.
If we continue to let The Donald be delusional, we'll all wind up much happier.
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