Maybe it's not such a great deal!
(image by Rev. Dan Vojir)
On second thought, we'll just take the jet.
Remember Pastor Creflo Dollar of daughter-choking Mommie Dearest fame? Back in June of 2012, the prosperity gospel preacher made headlines by being arrested for child abuse (he denied it). This was after he publicly preached that he would willingly shoot non-tithers (June 15, 2011).
Well, the violent preacher of bling is in the news again, but this time, for his unabashed righteous arrogance: asking $65 million for a new jet.
You read that right. And so did a lot of other people.
Creflo Dollar Getting More Into Satan (gawker.com):
Though Jesus is, as always, the most likely culprit, it is possible that the good reverend himself took down the funding page today after reports of its existence in the secular media prompted many of ye with little faith to insinuate that this Man of God had done something wrong by appealing for $300 donations from 200,000 of his humble followers so that he could replace the old private jet he was using with a new private jet--a Gulfstream G650, billed as"the best private jet money can buy."

Money beg removed
(image by Rev. Dan Vojir)
But He NEEDS This Toy, ahem, Jet!

In flight movie: 'Jesus Christ Super Star!'
(image by Rev. Dan Vojir)
Juda Engelmayer of World Changers Church International: "The work they do is important," Engelmayer said Friday. "It's feeding, clothing, educating people, as well as passing on the word of God." Engelmayer also stated that the jet would be carrying 100,000 pounds of food on some trips.
In a statement posted by the Christian Post, David Graham, a Global Express aircraft captain said:
"The G650 MAX RAMP WEIGHT is 99,600# then add 4,000# for the G650ER. IT CANNOT CARRY 12 PEOPLE AND 1000,000 # OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES LIKE THE COMMENTER SAYS!!!! CREFLO IS A CROOK AND SCAMMIN (sic) HIS CHURCH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!!!" wrote an incensed Graham.
But Pastor Dollar really, really NEEDS it!
To say you NEED a jet like that is the height of righteous arrogance. GOD doesn't NEED it. Nor does he WANT you to have one because you so richly deserve it, Creflo. He WANTS you to help people and spread the gospel efficiently NOT luxuriously. NEEDing an jet sets you above the poor - and above GOD.
Creflo, here is what $65 million can get you:
13 million articles of clothing for the poor with Pope Francis thrown in for free to hand them out.
500,000 paperback bibles.
50 million bible tracts.
65+ liver/kidney transplants
Shelter for 8 million homeless for one night
20 million Happy Meals
... or 10 million of these:

Yes, Francis would hand them out!
(image by Rev. Dan Vojir)
Dollar, Thy Name Is NOT Transparency
In the world of prosperity preachers no transparency means no good. Creflo Dollar Ministries is placed on Donor Alert by Ministrywatch.com because of its lack of transparency and unwillingness to give Ministrywatch.com sufficient information about the ministries. That means that the "millions of miles" flown and the thousands of people helped through "food, clothing and education" are unverifiable (see the actual website-deleted money beg below). Yes, the satellite churches are plenty, but they have to foot part of the bill of Dollar's appearances (usually half of the jet's gas and maintenance - up to $8000 per flight).
So without transparency and without reasonable cause to beg for such an extravagance, the reaction against Creflo Dollar has been scathing, even from the black community (see below).
So, Creflo Dollar, be careful flying that jet in a geed-free zone while you're thumbing your nose at poor people from 10,000 feet.
And here is what DJ Akademics says about it all (NSFW)
Creflo said that he would shoot non-thithers: